UCI, Ufficio Centrale Italiano, is the National Motor Insurance bureau for the cross‑border circulation of motor vehicles.
Created in 1953, it covers the functions of Italian bureau within the Green Card System, governed by the Council of Bureaux which was founded in Europe by the Inland Road Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
The activity of UCI in Italy is ruled by articles 125 and 126 of Law decree September 7th 2005, nr. 209 (Private Insurance Code).
The main task of UCI is to handle the issues connected to the compensation of damages arising from accidents in which the liability of a vehicle registered and insured abroad is involved, when the accident occurred on the territory of Italy, or in the Republic of San Marino or in Vatican City.
This activity is performed according to agreements taken with the homologue National Insurance Bureaux in the other Countries of the Green Card System. At present 47 Countries participate to the System through 46 National Bureaux.
On behalf of its member Companies UCI delivers frontier insurance policies, according to art. 7 President Law n. 973 of 24 november 1970 and art. 126 of the private insurance code, and it handles the relevant claims.
UCI has an active role in the Council of Bureaux which main activities range from the governance of the Green Card System, to the study and implementation of rules to facilitate the compensation of the victims of cross-border motor accidents, to the relationships with, among others, the Institutions of the EU, of UNECE, and with international claims adjusters.
Il “corrispondente” è la Società nominata da un assicuratore estero per la gestione dei sinistri provocati in Italia dai propri assicurati.
Per poter acquisire la qualifica di corrispondente è necessario disporre di alcuni requisiti da sottoporre all’UCI e sottoscrivere una Convenzione per la gestione dei sinistri Carta Verde.
Il corrispondente è scelto dall’Impresa estera che, tramite il proprio Bureau, richiede all’UCI l’approvazione della sua nomina.
I rapporti tra Impresa e corrispondente si svolgono in piena autonomia e sono regolabili con contratti specifici purché non contrastino con la normativa italiana, con la Convenzione sottoscritta con l’UCI e con l’Internal Regulations.
L’affidamento delle pratiche di risarcimento danni avviene quindi in accordo alla nomina approvata.
Requisiti nomina corrispondenti
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