Territorial validity
The temporary frontier policy is valid also for the circulation in the EEA and Switzerland:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary.
What is covered and what is not
The guaranteed limit of cover is the same in force in the visited Country of the accident. The temporary frontier policy does not cover own damages, both to the vehicle as to carried goods, driver’s injuries, theft, bad weather and whatever is not included in the motor third party liability according to the law of the Country of the accident.
Special cases
According to Directive CE-83/182 UCI issues temporary frontier policies also to motor vehicles for temporary importation from a Country outside EU only when the owner is not resident in Italy or in the EU and therefore the vehicle is not subject to re-registration in the Country of residence of the purchaser. This in application of art. 132 of the Italian Road traffic code (DLgs 20.4.1992, n. 285).
Documents required
The necessary documents to verify the above conditions are:
- front/back photocopy or scanned copy of a valid personal ID showing the place of residence
- in case the above ID does not show the place of residence, even if the owner of the vehicle is an Italian citizen registered in the AIRE and therefore resident abroad, a certificate of resaidence will be requested; as an option it is possible to fill in a self-certification of the insured person
- photocopy or scanned copy of the registration book of the vehicle (log book, carte-grise), i.e. the document which was issued when the vehicle was registered and which certificates the registration plate assigned to the vehicle, along with its official translation where necessary
- formal statement form
- Filled self-certification. Click here to download it
Please provide the above documents also in case of renewal of the policy, in order to show that the conditions foreseen by the law are still in force.
Note for the citizens who moved their residence to Italy from outside the EU:
Article 93-bis provides that the imported vehicle must be re-registered in Italy within 3 months from the acquisition of residence. UCI will not be able to insure the vehicle beyond such term, except in the cases provided for in paragraph 5 of the same article. In order to insure the vehicle before such term, it is necessary to prove the documentation attesting the date of acquisition of residence.
- Click here to download our underwriting policy VERSIONE ITALIANA – ENGLISH VERSION
- Click here to download our conditions of contract VERSIONE ITALIANA – ENGLISH VERSION
For any further information send an email to: polizzefrontiera@ucimi.it
Click here to view the information on privacy and the processing of your data
As from 1/6/2023 frontier policies are issued directly by UCI.
MILANO | UCI | polizzefrontiera@ucimi.it |
( Prices may change 15 days before their entry into force. )
Code | Description | Validity 15 days | Validity 30 days | Validity 45 days | Validity 90 days | Validity 180 days |
A | Autovetture | 120,00 | 145,00 | 190,00 | 245,00 | 390,00 |
B1 | Motocicli | 65,00 | 80,00 | 100,00 | 150,00 | 245,00 |
B2 | Motocarri | 101,00 | 146,00 | 192,00 | 246,00 | 385,00 |
C1 | Autocarri | 495,00 | 700,00 | 980,00 | 1170,00 | 1860,00 |
C2 | Autocaravan, autoambulanze e carri funebri | 270,00 | 395,00 | 525,00 | 660,00 | 1055,00 |
D | Ciclomotori | 35,00 | 45,00 | 60,00 | 125,00 | 230,00 |
E | Autobus | 515,00 | 760,00 | 1015,00 | 1370,00 | 2055,00 |
F1 | Rimorchi autocarri | 250,00 | 370,00 | 490,00 | 630,00 | 1035,00 |
F2 | Rimorchi autobus | 300,00 | 440,00 | 590,00 | 720,00 | 1080,00 |
F3 | Rimorchi campeggio, roulotte e portaimbarcazioni | 84,00 | 121,00 | 165,00 | 247,00 | 386,00 |